Saturday, March 1, 2008

Foreign Films

As winter lingers on and on and on in Toronto, and with the Leafs hopelessly out of the playoffs, sometimes a good foreign film can be just the ticket for a quiet night in. Foreign films fit better in the winter, in my opinion. Who wants to read subtitles in the summer... especially when you're inevitably a few beers in after hitting the pub patio on your way home from work. Anyway, I've been fortunate enough to have seen some really good foreign language films over the last few years and thought I'd periodically post a couple of recommendations. So, without further ado, I thought I'd start with a German theme:

1. Run Lola Run - This movie, from 1998, is a pure adrenaline joy ride set to a pumping techno soundtrack. It is the film equivalent of mainlining a Red Bull, if that, in fact, would do anything for you.

2. Goodbye Lenin! - This comedy from is a real charmer. And with all things East German being in vogue right now there's never been a better time to watch it... other than when it first came out, I guess.

3. The Lives of Others - This film from 2006 enjoyed a very long run at the Cumberland Cinema. Powerful and illuminating.

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